Channel: from the ocean
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korumi: Convention season is coming up, so here’s a friendly little reminder: You can cosplay...



Convention season is coming up, so here’s a friendly little reminder:

You can cosplay anything/anyone you want, regardless of your:

  • age
  • weight
  • body type
  • gender
  • sexual preferences
  • race/ethnicity
  • skin color
  • height
  • eye color
  • hair color
  • personality
  • disability

Cosplay is about having fun. It doesn’t matter if you bought your costume on amazon for 400$ plus overnight shipping or bought it in parts in stores or just found clothes in your closet. 

Don’t let anyone tell you that the character you want to cosplay doesn’t fit your skin color/height/weight or whatever. YOU choose what you want to cosplay. It’s not anyone else’s choice. Enjoy yourself and know you look wonderful!




Shawn Wasabi, someone I am very privileged to call my friend, has been tweeting tonight that his car got broken into and his one-of-a-kind Midi Fighter 64 was stolen from it, along with his macbook and backup harddrive. The Midi Fighter is this cool launchpad he plays.

The police are refusing to do anything about it, because his eyes were red (from crying) and they decided he and his friends had been smoking. They won’t even let him file a report.

Please, please keep your eyes peeled for his Midi Fighter. It is the only one of its kind in the world. That Midi is his entire musical life and he’s devastated that it got stolen. If you know or see ANYTHING, PLEASE contact the San Francisco police.

I’m so angry. He is a wonderful person and did not deserve this.


the-all-maker: radicalapollo: psifreezeomega: buttercup...

glamdamnit: My sister asked if the events of “The Labyrinth”...



My sister asked if the events of “The Labyrinth” are meant to be Sarah dreaming, or are they real? Although my primary reaction was that she shouldn’t put that much thought into any children’s movie (or any instance of David Bowie in tight pants), I’d like to take this opportunity to put so much thought into this children’s movie, that it’ll blow your mind.

So why is David Bowie kidnapping a child from an underage Jennifer Connelley?

In a time long long ago a sorcerer named Jareth fell in love with a girl named Sarah. Sarah’s father and step-mother would not let her marry Jareth because they wanted her to keep her, as a servant, to care for their other child. In a fit of rage Jareth kidnapped this other child and spirited it away to the fairy world. In this new world Jareth built a palace for his Sarah. He turned the spoiled child into a goblin, and kept it to be a servant.

Many stories of the fairy world tell us that time moves differently there than in our world (Rip Van Winkle for one). In the time it took for Jareth to build his kingdom, which he may have thought was little more than a few years, Sarah grew old and died.

Overcome by grief and addled by a lifetime spent in a strange world filled with monsters, Jareth goes mad. He refuses to believe that he has lost his love. He searches the mortal world from his castle, looking for her.

Sarah is Hebrew name. So, it is common, and has been in use for thousands and thousands of years. It does not take long (for him) to find a dark haired girl named Sarah, who has a younger sibling, and who feels that she is treated unfairly by her step mother. In a fit of rage he kidnaps this other child and spirits it away to the fairy world. Perhaps this new Sarah dies in the quest to find the child, perhaps she wins her sibling back and flees.

Jareth searches the mortal world from his from his castle, looking for her.  It does not take long to find a dark haired girl named Sarah…

This is how Jareth becomes the goblin king. Every goblin in the goblin city is a child Jareth has stolen, who was not recovered by a Sarah. (he told the current Sarah that Toby would become a goblin if she did not find him in time)

This is why he builds the maze. The magic bog, the junk yard of useless treasures, all tricks to slow Sarah down. Because if he can only have his Sarah for the time it takes for her to regain the stolen child, he will make it take as long as possible, keep her as long as possible.

This is why there exists in our world a book containing the story. Because it has happened before. So many times. At some point some lucky Sarah must have returned to our world to tell the story.

This is why when the most recent Sarah first meets Hoggle at the start of the labyrinth, and introduces herself; “I’m Sarah”, Hoggle responds “That’s what I figured.”

Because of course she’s Sarah.

They were all Sarah.

usbdongle: ive never fucked off and been a fun and irreverent young person bc im literally aware of...



ive never fucked off and been a fun and irreverent young person bc im literally aware of all possible things that could go wrong at all times in any given situation

sodomymcscurvylegs: *SLAMS FIST ON TABLE WHILE CRYING...




sushinfood: neworleans-unknown: weloveshortvideos: if this...

soupmuncher: theawesomeadventurer: moonlandingwasfaked: every...

hollywoodsocialite: Who is this QUEEN


elisminborg: elisminborg: [OUR KICKSTARTER]I am helping out...

50starsand13bars: hokutens-and-assassins: PLEASE READ AND...





Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr’s office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It’s a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage.

If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won’t stick around. After a few seconds, all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won’t want that. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.

I don’t care what your blog theme is, this can save someone’s life and needs to be spread

unheard-of-silence: Soul Eater - Instagrams (for the...

unheard-of-silence: Soul Eater - Instagrams (for the...

amtrax: m-azing: mads-is-mad: merrymegaudreau: harlequinsymph...

mirabai0821: thegardenofeedan: This is so stupid lmao laughed...

the-nerdy-reindeer: if you’re afraid of doing digital ‘cause you’re scared/too used to...



if you’re afraid of doing digital ‘cause you’re scared/too used to traditional, just remember
first time after a few tries:

a few months later:

practice makes perfect!!

yennefer-fan: Amazing artwork by Stefano Andrieri

pinkkitsune: I hate this game.

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