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athanatosora: thatcreepycatlady: athanatosora: “Birthday” (10...





“Birthday” (10 Jun 16, for Toshinori’s birthday!) - Part of Dad-Might and Mini-Deku AU [Pt. 2]

A matching father-son pair, and Izuku’s one-hit K.O. adorableness. Comes in merciless stabs and punches with the weight of a Detroit Smash 100%, because cuteness can hurt. (Toshinori might have skipped the blood-spewing and gone straight to a dead-faint this time. He’s used to villains with evil agendas, not this.)

This is kind of a sequel to “Hair” I think. Also, Inko planned the Plus Ultra Dad/Son shirt combo. Izuku’s ribbon mimicking Toshinori’s hair was his own idea.

Toshinori is coming home from work when it happens. It has been a hard day, mind you, the young heroes tend to be more boisterous on fridays (He can’t help but be reminded of a shark that has smelled blood and grows restless knowing that there’s prey nearby). He sighs, feeling the incoming headache. He should be used to this already, it’s just another friday in another normal week teaching in Yuuei (if what he teaches can be called normal at all). 

Except it isn’t. Today is his birthday.

Toshinori feels a little disappointed, to be honest. It’s not like he was expecting fireworks or hell, a national party, but… well… No one had even showed signs of knowing what day it is. Not even the boy.

But he doesn’t mind, really, Naomasa has more important things to do than to remember a birthday. Gran Torino was never one for such things. And the boy… he couldn’t possibly know what his birthday was, he had never told him (and the heroes personal information, such as birthdays, is not something you can find in the net). 

He berates himself, he shouldn’t be worried about minimal things like this, he is an adult. Since when do grown up men worry about such a thing? So what if no one had remembered? It wasn’t that important to him anyways.

He comes to a halt when he reaches the door to his house. He could swear that he has heard something. A thud. It was faint but he was sure of it, there was something, someone, in his house. He pauses, he has reached his limit for today, and after the day he’s had he doubts that he could fight for half a minute without vomiting blood everywhere. He doesn’t want to call the police though, sharing his adress is not something Toshinori is fond of. Being the top hero makes you learn to be secretive soon enough.

It’s not like the police officers are going to recognize this skinny sick excuse of a man as All Might, but if there is a villain inside the house waiting for him as he suspects, it could rise a few questions.

Naomasa it is then. As much as he hates to bother his friend, this is not something he can ignore (Recovery girl has drilled this into him after months of incessant scolding), he can’t be reckless. He dials his number and waits. And waits…and waits. And no one picks it. Of course. Just his luck.

He sighs again, this time in annoyance, not at Neomasa, but at his uselessness. He’s also tired, and the day hasn’t gone as good as he expected, so it’s with this mindset that he thinks ‘to hell with this’ and heads to the backdoor. If whoever is in his house is preparing an ambush they are in for a surprise.

He sneaks inside without making a sound (he can be pretty sneaky in his skinny form, one of it’s preks, he guesses) and makes his way to the front door, ready to switch his powers on. But instead of the attack he was waiting for, he finds… backs?

There are at least fifteen people crowding his living room, looking expectantly at the door and completely unaware of his presence. Needless to say, Toshinori is confused. It’s already dark outside, so he can only make the outlines of the scene, if this is an ambush it’s the crappiest one he’s ever seen.

He turns on the lights, ready to give them the scare of their lives, but when the crowd starts to talk in confused whispers, he finds himself at a lose for words. Every teacher in Yuuei is in his house, and he can recognize some other familiar faces too.

“Uhm…” He says, more out of bewilderness than to catch their attention.

They turn sharply around, visibly startled, but recover quickly enough as a loud chorus of ‘SURPRISE!’ fills the room. It is not until he feels a shy tug on his sleeve that he snaps out of his astonishment. He finds the boy, His boy, looking at him expectantly with a smile bright as the sun.

Midoriya Izuku is all smiles and big eyes as he hands Toshinori a warped box with a messily tied ribbon on top. What he notices the most though, is the other ribbon, the one around the boy’s head, the one that resembles Toshinori’s head. If he needs a confirmation about it’s meaning, he gets it in the form of the barely hidden snickers of his friends upon seeing his dilemma.

He clears his throat and strightens his back trying to regain his composure (not that he is able to success, in fact, he is sure that his face is as red as a boiled lobster), and begins to unwrap the present under the attentive gaze of the crowd. Inside the box there’s a shirt which he procceeds to unfold. He wishes he had never done that (no, he doesn’t).

He doesn’t understand the meaning of the three words written in it until he sees the matching shirt Izuku is wearing. He honestly doesn’t knows how he has missed it, with the boy puffing his chest proudly like that.

He looks at his shirt, where the word ‘dad’ is written, then looks at Izuku’s matching shirt, with the word ‘son’ on it. Then looks at his own, ‘dad’, and at Izuku’s, ‘son’. And he repeates the process.

“U-uhm…” Comes the shy voice of the kid. “Do you like it?”

He smiles, not the smile he has when he is All might, the one meant to chase away fear. This one is warm and it seems stuck on his face and Toshinori fears he might not be able to stop smiling ever again. The boy, His boy, lights up like a beacon, and Toshinori realizes at that time, that he might not be able to stop loving this little adorable child either.

He is pretty sure that this is the best birthday of his life.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. This is just too cute and ahgvwhedgniewqhwdoiuy. I can’t, I’m suffering from feelings overload, don’t mind me. I’ll just be here, wishing there would be more Dad Might content (there’s never enough).

(Also, I’m sorry for any mispellings/wrong-grammar, but english is not my mother tongue so… yeah.)



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Zodiac Arrows 

♈️ Aries were the vanguard, they invented the custom arrows. The purpose of the horns was to stake their claim on the target or territory.

♉️ Taurus arrows are tied together with a lace that has a bull’s nose ring at its end. Taurus are stubborn and don’t ever give up so their arrow can be used as a spear if the fight demands it.

♊️ Gemini made their arrows so that they would avoid routine and boredom. So, as they’re extremely thin, Gemini arrows are the only that can be shot together, the number of arrows in each shot is always changing.

♋️ Cancer are deeply sensible and easily hurt so they designed their arrow in a way that long fights are avoided. Their arrow is the most painful and cannot be removed.

♌️ The fletching on a Leo’s arrow is made out of lion’s mane. The arrows are used to protect the Leo’s kingdom - it may be anything, from home to a partner. Their jewels work as fuel for incendiary shots.

♍️ Virgo’s perfectionism made them extremely picky about their enemies. Although their arrow seems delicate and calm on the outside, it only takes one shot to kill.

♎️ Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac. Their arrow’s tip resemble the pans in the scale of Justice. Just like “Justice is blind”, so is its arrow’s tip. It is meant to end fights; not be part of them.

♏️ Scorpio have the tail of a scorpion on their arrow’s tip, which is poisonous and it kills their victim slowly. Scorpio have a natural secretiveness so they chose not to change their arrow’s fletching - after piercing an enemy in battle, it’s hard to tell if said arrow came from a Scorpio.

♐️ Sagittarius were not influenced by Aries custom arrows. As natural archers, their arrows were always the shape of their zodiac sign. These arrows can travel unbelievable distances, and are often mistaken by shooting stars

♑️ Capricorns were always resistant to big changes so they decided to modify their arrow only once and never again. The fish tail in the place of the fletching is reminiscent of their sign symbol (a sea goat). It can change the direction of the arrow after being shot, making this arrow impossible to escape.

♒️ Aquarius are know for their inventivity and originality. They improved the arrows transportation forever: instead of a quiver their magic arrows are carried on a water bearer (resembling their sign symbol). To pick their arrow they pour it from the bearer.

♓️ Pisces arrows were the last to be created. As Pisces is the sign of mysticism and spirituality, their arrows are capable of piercing the enemy’s soul. Much of this arrow’s characteristics are yet unknown.


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