Channel: from the ocean
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shadamy22: sp00ky-teacup: williamhmasqets: fandomsandfeminism: ...

ray-kaladis: amtrax: vekter: quetzalcoatl2k: I AM FREAKIN’...







me irl

As much as I dislike the new Mickey voice for these, they’re actually legitimately funny and hilariously dark compared to what they usually let Mickey and friends do.

This looks like a typical D&D campaign where one person in the party keeps rolling 20s and making the DMs life difficult. 

werewolfmali: me at 15: why do my parents watch fuckin hgtv all day? me at 25: damn the granite...



me at 15: why do my parents watch fuckin hgtv all day?

me at 25: damn the granite countertops really do make that kitchen pop

artofjellophish: Commissions OPEN! More Info | Order Form More...

agavehoney: leslieknope: #i’m just trying to get through...

artofjellophish: Commissions OPEN!More Info | Order FormMore...

goawaypornbots: trash-qween: everydayconman: hollowedskin: fat...


artofjellophish: I can see a rainbow In your tears as they fall...

westcoastzoid: You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and croquet. You can’t...



You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and croquet. You can’t swim, you can’t dance and you don’t know karate, but go off I guess.

caliner: Elvis Presley // Can’t Help Falling In Love

fuckyeahrichardiii: terpsikeraunos: friendly reminder that “kudos” means “glory” in ancient greek,...




friendly reminder that “kudos” means “glory” in ancient greek, so if you give someone kudos you are wishing them renown on the battlefield

I feel like the AO3 button just became a lot more intense for me just now.

darkestelemental616: borealaries: theresoneofyou: princezane: latessitrice: absinthenoir: fuckr...









I want a story about an Italian vampire.

No romance, no action.

Just 200 pages of “What do you mean, I can’t have garlic? Do you know where I’m from?”

TBH I think the main issue would be the mirror thing

have you ever met an Italian man

the amount of time they spend looking in the mirror jfc

#the more you think about it the more all vampire rules are just anti-italian rules#can’t go out in sunlight?? IN ITALY???#Can’t go near crucifixes? IN ITALY???

a bunch of pissed off vampires stuck in Venice because they can’t go over moving water

Not to victim blame, but you’d have to be a pretty bad Italian to even get turned into a vampire in the first place.

the only two places practically immune to vampires are texas and italy

Let me tell you of A Thing.

Lithuania has no vampires, I guarantee it.

boyonetta: “You can criticize something you love!” Yeah, and you can also get tired of criticizing...



“You can criticize something you love!”

Yeah, and you can also get tired of criticizing something you love. You can get completely fed up with it and decide, “You know what? Flaws aside, I love this thing, and I don’t have to waste hours of my life admitting its flaws to strangers on the Internet in order to somehow justify my love of it.” You can get sick of watching others gleefully tear it apart, for no reason other than that it’s popular and they hate that you love it. You can get sick of watching others tearing it apart with good intentions, too.

In the end, it’s just a cartoon, or a book, or a movie. It’s not that serious, and you can enjoy it without hyper-focusing on its flaws. You don’t need to justify your love of something to someone else, least of all a person you don’t even know.

Whats your opinion on drawing every day as a student? I always feel so bad about myself when I don't draw in a day because of how often this is said by professional artists, and that leads me into an spiral of 'im not good enough and I never will be'. Is it really necessary to draw every single day? By the way I really love your blog and you are such a great artist! ❤


I personally think that drawing every day to the degree of expecting a masterpiece every time is too much of a stretch for an artist. especially to the young and budding ones, who’d want to improve and find their style immediately (which, i experienced! and understand!) BUT

the compromise for this is to use the ‘drawing everyday’ protip as not a way to just prove you are good, but as a way to prove to yourself that you will be good. we are human after all; and if we keep following this mantra just for fear of not being good enough someday, then that is a sure-fire way to a burnout. so frankly, i do believe its necessary, but doing it a way that is feasible for YOU. use this advice as a way to practice and hone your craft, and not [necessarily] as something to fill your portfolio/profile.

so yes! you can draw every day! if you can only do small doodles, THAT COUNTS. if you can only do ink drawings, THAT ALSO COUNTS! if you do full-blown paintings THAT ALSO COUNTS! you are practicing and you shouldn’t worry too much about the size or degree of skill. as long as you draw, and you don’t need to wait around for raw inspiration to do so.

that said, inspiration is not necessary to create something. sure, it is a big factor! our oxygen! but there are times that we need to make something as a requirement without waiting for inspiration to come (for example, artists doing commissions, or authors under writing contracts).

but again, I have to emphasize that whilst drowning ourselves in our workings towards being better artists, we could get ourselves lost in our own productivity until we don’t know who we are aside our work. always balance your time between making and consuming art. you have to do both. 

TL;DR, practice every day is necessary with your own degree of feasibility, and you will be good. don’t wait around for inspiration to draw something, but also don’t push yourself for fear of not being good enough. you are a breathing, loving human besides being an artist. OH and thank you very much! glad you love my art. 💖

mccreeing:Before serving on the original Overwatch strike team,...



Before serving on the original Overwatch strike team, Gabriel Reyes was selected to be a member of the government’s classified Soldier Enhancement Program.

viscrael: listening to spotify on ur laptop when u dont have premium: heres some ads every now and...



listening to spotify on ur laptop when u dont have premium: heres some ads every now and then :)

listening to spotify on ur phone when u dont have premium: u wanted to listen to a SONG u fucking idiot? no, u can only shuffle the album its from–oh ho oh, u wanted to listen to the ALBUM only?? fool that u are, u wldnt know that u now have to listen to songs we picked by throwing darts at a list of that genre–oh and dont forget the 30sec-1 min ads u fucking shit face. u asshole. fuck u

buckybarnesmp3: kesus: Young girls really are pressured now more than ever to be seen as beautiful...




Young girls really are pressured now more than ever to be seen as beautiful and sexy and perfect like IG models and whatever the fuck…..like that’s why you see “me at 14 vs 14 year old girls today” posts……….we didn’t have this constant stream of content like they do…..content telling us to be perfect and to have perfect clothes and sharp eyeliner wings that look photoshopped and shit like that….I mean it’s always been there but not like this…and while I think girls should be able to dress however they want and do whatever they want…..you have to take into consideration the fact that this all stems from a toxic culture where women have to be perfect and beautiful…now at younger and younger ages….and it’s really gross…and the media continues to sexualize and like…make young girls seem older and more appealing than they actually are idk the whole thing makes me so uncomfortable and it’s only going to get worse :/

And the wildest thing is, people will still try and justify it with the “there’s always been girls that dress older than they are!” argument. Which is true. But it was never the norm. Pre social media, most young girls were allowed be young girls. Here’s Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Lindsay Lohan at 14/15 in 2001-2007. They were arguably the biggest young stars of the time but this is how they presented

They aren’t being styled to look leagues older than they are. They’re allowed to just be their own age and look their own age. Now, here’s Millie Bobbie Brown at 13 in 2018, Veronika Bonell at 15/16 in 2017, Skai Jackson at 13 in 2015, and Caitlin Carmichael at 13 in 2017.

There is a deep problem in our society that this is what people are styling children to look like. They don’t look like children, they look like young adults. They could wear these exact same looks in 10 years and they wouldn’t be questioned because they’re dressed and made up to present as adults. This is what is presented as normal for young girls, this is the image they’re told is the “right” one, the one they should aspire to.

There’s nothing wrong with girls - or boys - wanting to be pretty. But there is a problem with young girls being constantly told that pretty for them means looking over 21 at 13.

djmeatdaddy: mirksilua: mirksilua: So my dog is a 210 pound Great Dane who has never had a toy...





So my dog is a 210 pound Great Dane who has never had a toy smaller than a car tire before, and he always rips them to sheds within a couple weeks.

Recently my sister got him the biggest toy she could find in the doggy toy section, a toy owl about the size of my dog’s head.

He smelled it, took it delicately in his mouth, then just dropped it on the floor and has barely touched it since.

But I keep finding him with it near him while he is sleeping.

I haven’t put it there, and neither has my mum.

He never chews on it, like he is afraid to break it.

And it is always right near his head when he sleeps.

I think he has accepted the tiny owl as his pet.

When the fuck did this get notes
Did someone famous reblog my tiny puppy boy


puptum:how it feels like playing retribution vs uprising

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